On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Gainful employment, community-college rankings and the modern university

Feds resume effort to regulate for-profit colleges on their ‘gainful employment’ record The Obama administration resumed a controversial effort Friday to regulate for-profit colleges and certain others that offer career-training programs to help graduates obtain “gainful employment.” (The Washington Post)

U.S. News Data: Online Education Isn't Always Cheap Investment in technology and faculty training can make online ed expensive for schools and students. (U.S. News & World Report)

College presidents on Obama’s rating plan The Washington Post asked several leaders of colleges and universities about President Obama’s plan to rate their institutions by 2015 and link student aid to those ratings by 2018. (The Washington Post)

Effort to rank community colleges misses the point The author’s effort to link institutional assessment to ranking of community colleges–especially using problematic metrics and findings from a study that the author herself says was never intended for that purpose is not only irresponsible, it’s dead wrong. (Community College Times)

Educators debate definition of ‘modern’ university Some UK educators are arguing the label refers to a certain classification of universities, while American educators argue it applies to universities reaching toward more innovative goals. (USA Today)