On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Space lawyers, taxes and the public eye

Most Americans Say They Can't Afford Public College A majority of Americans believe the cost of a college education at a state university is unaffordable, but aren't sure they would prefer a radical new tuition proposal being considered in several states, a new Huffington Post/YouGov poll found. (The Huffington Post)

‘The Tuition is Too Damn High’ “The Tuition is Too Damn High” is a 10-part series that will run in Wonkblog over the next two weeks exploring the causes and consequences of — and potential fixes for — the skyrocketing costs of higher education. This is part one. (The Washington Post)

Private colleges should pay taxes Private colleges and universities haven’t lost their property tax-exempt status – yet. But it shouldn’t surprise anybody, least of all those running those institutions, if they do sometime during the next few years. And they will have only themselves to blame. (The Norman Transcript via University Business)

The politics of the public eye There are clear and direct benefits for academics to communicate with broader audiences, but what about the downsides? Melonie Fullick examines the heightened level of criticism and misrepresentation that come with wider audiences and argues this is less about the media platforms facilitating exposure and more about the divisive elements of academic culture that were already there to begin with, which must also be addressed. (Impact of Social Sciences)

New university programs will train space lawyers As the space tourism market continues to grow, two universities have developed programs to prepare law students to expand their jurisdictions beyond the ozone. (USA Today)