104 drunken-driving deaths in Minn. last year

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- State traffic-safety officials have released a report on drunken driving that says 104 people died last year and more than 28,000 people were arrested in alcohol-related traffic incidents.

The state Department of Public Safety said Monday the drunken-driving deaths in 2012 represent a slight decrease from the 111 deaths the previous year.

There were a total of 395 traffic fatalities last year, of which 26 percent involved drunken drivers.

The number of drunken-driving arrests continues a declining trend since 2008, but still average 78 per day. Of those arrested, almost 11,500, or 40 percent, had at least one prior DWI.

Three-fourths of the people arrested were male, and two in five were people in their 20s.

First-time offenders had an average blood-alcohol content of about 0.15 percent. The legal limit is 0.08 percent.