Ventura: Job offers dried up after sniper's memoir

A newly unsealed deposition from former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura shows Ventura complaining about difficulty finding work after a Navy SEAL published a book he claims defamed him.

Ventura is suing the estate of Chris Kyle, a former sniper whose best-selling memoir includes a description of an alleged 2006 punch of Ventura by Kyle in a California bar. Ventura says the punch never happened.

When asked in the November deposition how the book had damaged him, Ventura said his job offers had dried up, the St. Paul Pioneer Press reported.

Ventura also said he worried about being seen as a traitor to the military. Kyle, who was shot and killed in February, wrote that he punched a celebrity who was badmouthing Navy SEALs and President George W. Bush.


Information from: St. Paul Pioneer Press