Church boots scout troop over gay policy

ALTOONA, Wis. (AP) -- A Boy Scout troop that holds its meeting at a Catholic church in Altoona has been told to find a new place to gather.

Troop 90 has been meeting at St. Mary's Catholic Church for more than 20 years. Scoutmaster Bob Thill says the troop has been told it should find a new home after the end of the year because of concerns about the Boy Scouts' new policy to allow openly gay boys to join the program, beginning next year.

Rev. Derek Sakowski, of St. Mary's, says the church's pastoral council has strongly recommended cutting ties with Troop 90. Sakowski tells the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram he will meet with parents from the troop before making a final decision on the Boy Scout meetings.


Information from: Leader-Telegram