Minn. teachers union plans forums on future of workforce

Denise Specht
Denise Specht took over as president of Education Minnesota on July 1, 2013. Specht says she'll push for more training for the state's 50,000 teachers, and fewer assessment tests for Minnesota students, during her time as leader of the union.
MPR Photo/Tim Post

The head of the state teachers union said Minnesota needs to talk about the future of the teaching workforce.

Denise Specht, the president of Education Minnesota, said the union wants to engage in conversations with people across the state starting this fall.

"We want to have a broad conversation in communities about how we attract and retain the best, what kind of educators do our Minnesota students deserve and how do we have high standards for that," Specht said.

She said the goal is to come up with recommendations by next spring that could help the state better attract and retain quality teachers who also reflect the makeup of the student population.

Specht placed special emphasis on attracting a more diverse group of teachers: "We know that we need to find ways to recruit more educators of color and keep them in the profession."