Video: Same-sex couples exchange wedding vows in Minneapolis

SSM video screengrab
As the clock struck midnight and same-sex marriage became legal in Minnesota, dozens of couples said, "I do." They recorded their vows at The Hotel Minneapolis.
MPR Photo/JeffreyThompson/Regina McCombs

As the clock struck midnight and same-sex marriage became legal in Minnesota, dozens of couples said, "I do." MPR News asked a handful of them to read their wedding vows in front of a camera.

Photos: The first Mpls. same-sex weddings
Photos: Couple celebrates vows in Moorhead
Photos & stories: Same-sex couples share their wedding plans
18 same-sex couples wed in Moorhead
Same-sex marriage foes say voters feel 'betrayed'
Today's Question: Are you personally affected?
All MPR News coverage of same-sex marriage
Straight or gay, don't rush to the altar
Details: The Minnesota same-sex marriage bill
Survey: Where will the wedding bells ring?
Video: Jack Baker and Michael McConnell predicted victory in 1970s
Interactive: Deep roots of the marriage debate
Special report: How the marriage amendment was defeated
Profile: The general behind Minnesota's same-sex marriage law