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Dayton’s office defends stealth strategy

Governor Dayton is due back in Minnesota this evening after leaving the state this morning to convince an unnamed business to expand or relocate to Minnesota.

Dayton and his staff won't say where Dayton is today. They said only that he’s out of state for a meeting regarding a possible economic development opportunity for Minnesota.

Dayton spokesman Bob Hume says the administration isn’t willing to disclose where Dayton is, for fear it could jeopardize landing a business deal.

“We tried to strike a balance today between transparency in what he’s doing in releasing all of the details that we can while respecting the businesses right to privacy on how they’re doing their business and making sure the governor is successful in his mission to help bring more jobs to the state,” Hume said.

Hume said he didn’t know whether the company asked Dayton not to disclose his trip, or whether administration officials signed an agreement not to discuss talks. Hume said the administration is keeping a commitment to tell the public if Dayton leaves the state.

Past governors, including Republican Tim Pawlenty, did not always inform the public when they left the state.