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The Daily Digest (Dayton seeks disaster aid, childcare unionization gets a court hearing, deal on student loans)

Welcome to today’s Daily Digest. The June storms caused $17.8 million in damage. The childcare unionization law gets a federal court hearing and the Senate has reached a deal on student loan rates.

 State of Minnesota

Gov. Dayton seeks disaster aid (MPR News) Gov. Dayton is seeking federal disaster aid for the June storms. Preliminary estimates say there was $17.8 million in damage.

Dayton stands firm against 'stand your ground' (MPR News) Dayton says he believes neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman went way beyond what the situation called for when he shot and killed a Florida teenager, and then claimed self-defense.

The childcare unionization lawsuit heads to federal court today (Politics in Minnesota) A judge will hear a challenge to a law that allows in-home day care providers to decide whether to join a union.

The costs at the Monticello nuclear plant have doubled  (Star Tribune) Xcel Energy is looking to ratepayers to pay for the costs.

Minn. regulators approve Enbridge oil pipeline expansion (MPR News): Minnesota regulators on Wednesday approved the first phase of a plan by Canadian energy company Enbridge Inc. to transport more crude oil through the state.

SWIFT isn’t so swift (MPR News) The Legislative Auditor is questioning the viability of the state’s new accounting system – a program that cost the state $70 million to build.

Buyers could get an early look at MNsure rates (MPR News): People interested in buying health insurance through the state's new online marketplace, MNsure, may get an early look at premium rates, according to a Minnesota Department of Commerce official.

Police are recording license plates by the millions (AP) An ACLU study says police across the country are recording and storing license plates data by the millions.

Minnesota lobbying expenditures by cities are going down (St. Paul Pioneer Press) The State Auditor released a report showing the drop for 2012. The big question is whether cities ramped up their spending in 2013- a budget year. Those figures will be released next year.

Washington D.C.

The Senate reached a deal on student loan rates (Associated Press) The Senate appears to have reached a deal Wednesday that would offer students better rates on their loans this fall but perhaps assign higher rates in coming years.

The House voted to delay parts of the Affordable Care Act (AP) Republicans in the House voted again to delay the federal health care law.

Filibuster deal fills some cabinet jobs (Washington Post) The deal in the Senate means President Obama will be able to round out some of the positions in his cabinet.


Klobuchar goes to Iowa (Des Moines Register) Minnesota’s senior senator will visit Iowa - fueling speculation about a presidential run.


There won’t be a Digest on Friday