Horse bucks, steps on Minneapolis police officer

A Minneapolis police officer appears to have escaped major injuries after she was bucked and stepped on by her horse early this afternoon.

The accident happened in Minneapolis while the department's mounted patrol unit was training a new group of recruits on how to handle large crowds, police spokeswoman Cyndi Barrington said.

"One of the horses with our mounted patrol unit became spooked for some reason, it is unknown at the time, and reared up and bucked the rider off," Barrington said.

The horse bucked and the officer fell over the shoulder of the horse, Barrington says. The horse then stepped on the officer's chest. The officer was wearing protective gear, including a helmet. The officer's injuries appear not to be life threatening, but she is being kept in the hospital overnight for observation.

"It is looking like when the horse came down the female officer was stomped in the chest area, possibly in the face," Barrington said.

Barrington said injuries involving police horses are rare. She says police still use the animals during large-scale events because of their bulk and effectiveness in blocking off areas and guiding people.