Minn. Majority says it was targeted by IRS

A second group in Minnesota says it believes the IRS targeted it for extra scrutiny because of its conservative stand.

Minnesota Majority, which advocates for smaller government, voter identification and other issues, says the IRS contacted it as part of a compliance check in March seeking information.

Minnesota Majority President Dan McGrath said information the IRS sought is similar to what other conservative groups who believe they were targeted were asked to provide.

"It goes back to the founding of the organization. How many board members? Who are they are they compensated? How much? Are there employees? How much are they compensated? It's very, very extensive. It goes down into breaking down what percentage of our time was spent on various different activities," McGrath said.

The Justice Department has launched an investigation into the IRS's dealings with conservative groups. McGrath said if it's true that groups like his were singled out, the people responsible should be held accountable.

On Tuesday, a member of the Rochester Tea Party Patriots told MPR News that group believes it was targeted for extra scrutiny.