Minnesota Senate takes up same-sex marriage question

Same-sex marriage demonstrators
Supporters and opponents of same-sex marriage legislation gather in the Capitol rotunda Thursday, May 9, 2013 in St. Paul.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

Minnesota is on the verge of becoming the first Midwestern state to pass legislation legalizing same-sex marriage and the 12th state overall to allow it.

Iowa has allowed same-sex marriages since a 2009 court ruling.

After a debate filled with both emotion and decorum on Thursday, the Minnesota House passed the marriage bill 75-59. The Senate is expected to take up the question on Monday, and Gov. Mark Dayton has said he will sign it if it reaches his desk.

Same-sex weddings could begin by Aug. 1.

Read our LIVE BLOG of the Minnesota Senate debate and vote.


Historic same-sex marriage vote brings emotional crowd to Capitol
"Same sex-marriage, an issue that's dominated Minnesota politics for two years, may soon become a reality after a state House vote on Thursday. And as lawmakers debated the issue, thousands of people representing opposing views filled the Capitol rotunda, hoping to influence the historic moment." (MPR)

Legislators brace for marriage vote fallout
"Same-sex marriage is a big step closer to being legal in Minnesota, with Thursday's state House vote 75-59 in favor. But groups on both sides of the issue are already measuring the political fallout from the vote and what it will mean for next year's election." (MPR)

Photos: Same-sex marriage bill House debate at State Capitol
"Less than six months after a GOP-backed Minnesota constitutional amendment aimed at banning same-sex marriage failed at the polls, the new Democratic-led Legislature is set to vote on a bill legalizing it." (MPR)

Minnesota Legislature: Social Issues
In-depth coverage about same-sex marriage. (MPR)

I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage
"I wholeheartedly support civil unions for gay and lesbian couples, but I am opposed to same-sex marriage. Because activists have made marriage, rather than civil unions, their goal, I am viewed by many as a self-loathing, traitorous gay. So be it. I prefer to think of myself as a reasoning, intellectually honest human being." (The Public Discourse)

Should gay marriage be legal?
"As of Nov. 7, 2012, gay marriage has been legalized in 11 US states (CT, DE, IA, MA, MD, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT, and WA) and the District of Columbia. Thirty-seven states have banned gay marriage through either laws or constitutional amendments or both." (ProCon.org)