Capitol View®

Former Pawlenty aide backs same-sex marriage

Policast for April 25, 2013:

The former deputy chief of staff to Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty says he supports legal same-sex marriage.

Brian McClung, who now runs a PR firm, said support for same-sex marriage aligns with Republican values.

"If Republicans are going to be the small government party, we should get government out of the business of marriage," McClung said. "Who do we want deciding who should be able to get married, individuals or politicians?"

McClung said the party needs to find a way to talk to younger voters, who overwhelmingly support same-sex marriage, according to recent polling. He said many view Republicans as "out of touch and stodgy and opposed to change."

'I'm concerned that the Republican Party could be shutting the door on an entire generation of voters if we don't better understand how to talk about this issue and, frankly, move past it to talk about the issues of less spending, lower taxes and more accountability that matter to everybody," McClung said.

The Star Tribune published McClung's commentary on same-sex marriage today. McClung said he spoke with Pawlenty before writing the Star Tribune commentary.

"The governor doesn't agree with my position but he was very positive and very gracious in saying that he supports me in speaking out and sharing my opinion," McClung said.

A bill making its way through the Legislature would legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota.

(MPR Photo/Steve Mullis)

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