House passes HHS bill weighing in at $7 billion

The Minnesota Capitol
The Minnesota Capitol on Thursday, Jan. 3, 2013.
MPR Photo/Hart Van Denburg

Lawmakers in the Minnesota House passed a budget for health and human services programs late Monday night.

As a $7 billion piece of the state's budget, the bill included $150 million in cuts but also had pay raises for nursing home workers and long-term care workers.

DFL legislative leaders have said it's a step toward controlling costs in one of state government's single biggest spending areas.

"Although there are certain things we'd like to do better on, especially funding for nursing home workers, we are not cutting them in this bill. They are getting a raise," Rep. Tina Liebling, DFL-Rochester, told the Associated Press.

But some Republicans said it was a step in the wrong direction. Rep. Ron Kresha, R-Little Falls, told the AP: "I think we really need to look at this, step back and make sure our values and priorities are where our budget is."

MPR's political editor, Mike Mulcahy, offers insights on the budget as well as on measures addressing taxes, abortion and K-12 education.

The Legislature is due to adjourn May 20.