Nice Ride rentals set to return after storm

The fourth season for the Nice Ride bike rental program should be back on track this weekend after a snowstorm last week temporarily shut it down.

During the storm, customers could return bikes but not rent them, said Nice Ride executive director Bill Dossett, who added that the measure was taken to keep riders safe and protect the bicycles.

Dossett said Nice Ride customers will eventually be able to rent bikes from new locations: The program is adding 24 new stations to the network this year.

"You're going to see stations in places along the river," he said, "because the National Park Service, through the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, has been a major supporter of this program, creating more access to the river through alternate transportation."

Last year Nice Ride registered 275,000 user trips, Dossett said, the most in the program's history.