MN biz groups launch anti-tax campaign

Minnesota business leaders are pushing back against the tax and spending proposals from DFL Gov. Mark Dayton and Democratic legislative majorities.

A coalition of business groups called "United for Jobs" is airing a new television ad that criticizes the proposed income tax increase on the wealthiest 2 percent of Minnesotans. They contend that lawmakers should instead be focused on spending smarter.

Charlie Weaver, executive director of the Minnesota Business Partnership, said the coalition questions the need for increased spending.

"Hardworking Minnesota taxpayers cannot afford a 7 percent increase in spending at a time when the economy is only growing at 2 percent," said Weaver. "It's just unsustainable, and sets us up for more taxes that people can't afford in the future."

A spokesman for the governor responded to the criticism by saying that corporate special interests have not been paying their fair share of taxes and don't want to.