Governor proposes $109 million for State Capitol renovation

State Capitol repairs
Repairs to the interior of the Minnesota State Capitol dome in progress last year.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

The largest project in Gov. Mark Dayton's $750 million bonding bill package released Monday is $109 million for the renovation of the State Capitol.

House DFLers also included that amount for the renovation project in their own $800 million bonding proposal released Tuesday.

"Spencer Cronk, commissioner of the Department of Administration, said the building is at a tipping point," reports MPR News' Tom Scheck. "Cronk said delaying a comprehensive restoration will result in expensive annual repairs without solving any of the root problems."

Cronk joins The Daily Circuit to discuss the project.


Minnesota State Capitol Preservation Commission. Get the details on all the projects related to Capitol preservation.

Comprehensive Master Plan. The full 20-year plan for the building's renovation and preservation.