Here are 10 other ways sequestration is going to hurt

The funds that help soldiers and veterans go to school are just a small part of what's falling to the sequestration ax. Here are a few of the other casualties.

1. White House tours. At least for now, they've been canceled. - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

2. Wildlife refuges. Some will be closed; visitor services will be halted at others. (The animals are expected to keep coming, however.)

3. Head Start loses more than $400 million, and an estimated 70,000 fewer kids in the program. Here's a story about 36 of them.

4. The FBI loses $480 million.

5. The Library of Congress loses more than $30 million, just when it needs money to acquire more shelf space for its collection. Other functions of the legislative branch take hits, too.

SpaceX Dragon
In this photo made available by NASA, the SpaceX Dragon commercial cargo spacecraft approached the International Space Station in 2012.

6. NASA loses roughly $900 million, meaning it will have less to spend on private contractors, like SpaceX, and other initiatives.

7. The U.S. prison system loses more than $330 million. And because the Bureau of Prisons can't do much to reduce its population, it's looking at workforce reductions. The Department of Justice says it's worried about inmate and staff safety.

8. The FDA loses more than $200 million. According to one estimate, the cuts will mean more than 2,000 fewer food-safety inspections this year.

9. The Smithsonian loses $40 million, which will mean shorter hours at some of its facilities. The Smithsonian will also freeze hiring and cut back on maintenance and construction.

10. Cuts at the TSA and FAA mean longer lines and longer waits at airports. Janet Napolitano, Homeland Security secretary, estimates that it may take travelers twice as long to clear security: