Panel endorses raises for Minn. officials

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- A decision about pay raises for top Minnesota officials, including state lawmakers, now rests with the Legislature.

The appointed Compensation Council voted Monday night for a package of proposed pay hikes for the governor, legislators, judges and state agency heads.

The raises would be the first for the governor and legislators since the 1990s.

Lawmakers have been reluctant in past years to embrace similar pay proposals, but legislative leaders and Gov. Mark Dayton are leaving the door open this time.

The recommended raises for elected officials wouldn't kick immediately. The governor's $120,000 a year wage would rise by 3 percent in 2015 and 2016, and lawmakers would see their annual pay go from about $31,000 to about $42,000 in that time frame.

Agency heads would be able to make more than the governor. Judges would get regular 4 percent raises beginning in July.