Save Our SPCO proposes grassroots fundraising for orchestra

A group formed to bridge the gap between musicians and management in the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra negotiations on Monday proposed raising $750,000 a year to maintain the orchestra at 34 players.

For financial reasons, SPCO management wants to cut the number of musicians to 28. But Mariellen Jacobson of the group Save Our SPCO said a survey of its 2,500 members finds they would be prepared to donate money to keep the full orchestral complement.

"We think it is really do-able on a clevel to go out and find $750,000 to help the Society to get the funds to continue to employ a full 34-person orchestra at a reasonable salary without employing draconian cuts in the salaries of the musicians," Jacobson said.

She said for the proposal to work the four-month long lock-out needs to end.

A representative of SPCO management described a meeting with the group as productive, and management will consider the specifics of the proposal.