Minn. House committee to hear testimony on state gun laws

State Capitol
Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul, Minn. Sept. 28, 2011
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson

Today is the first day of hearings being held by the Minnesota House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee on gun laws.

The bills being considered would, among other things, improve mental health screening for people applying for firearm permits, ban assault weapons and create a "register of individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms for a self-determined period of time."

There will be at least eight bills considered by the committee, possibly more.

Rep. Michael Paymar (DFL-St. Paul), chair of the committee, will join The Daily Circuit Tuesday, Feb. 5 to discuss the hearings.

Also on the program: Robert Spitzer, political science professor at SUNY-Cortland, will discuss the laws that been enacted by other states and their impact on crime, accidental shooting and suicide rates in those states.


Maze of Gun Laws in U.S. Hurts Gun Control Efforts (Time)

From State to State, Varied Responses to the Issue of Gun Violence (NY Times)

Interactive: Gun laws in the US, state by state (The Guardian)