What's the future of the Affordable Care Act?

Health care reform
An assistant places healthcare documents onto the meeting table before a bipartisan meeting to discuss health reform legislation with congressional members in this 2010 file photo.
Photo by Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images

The Affordable Care Act is nearly 1,000 pages long and many of the provisions of the 2010 law are still being implemented.

Sara Rosenbaum, who's written extensively about the impact of law on the American healthcare system, joins The Daily Circuit Thursday, Jan. 31.

Rosenbaum will discuss the challenges that lie ahead in implementing the act and what we can learn from our American health care history.

Rosenbaum will be speaking at the University of Minnesota at 11:30am today.


MPR News Primer: Federal health care law

Find out what states have done to set up health insurance changes (National Council of State Legislatures)

Sara Rosenbaum on the ACA (HealthAffairs blog)

The Supreme Court Health Care Reform Ruling: Panel Verdict (The Guaridan)

Feds approve Minn. exchange, insurers scramble to develop health plans (MPR News)