The Cities Blog

Hennepin County will offer free weddings on Valentine’s Day

Hennepin County has a Valentine's Day gift for the lovestruck and broke.

The county is offering free weddings on Feb. 14th from noon to 1 p.m. at the somewhat-less-than-romantic Government Center, where judges will administer the vows at no charge.

Preference will be given to members of the military and first responders, but anyone can sign up.

Couples need to register in advance by following the instructions here. Also, you still need to pay the $115 marriage license fee.

But at least you don't have to hire a band. The ceremony will include "music by Judge Ivy Bernhardson accompanied by Judge Laurie Miller."

If the free wedding slots fill up, there's always the Chapel of Love at the Mall of America, where a "dream wedding," complete with what the chapel's website describes as "romantic background music," will cost you $249.