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The specifics of Dayton’s sales tax plan

The Minnesota Department of Revenue released a list of the items tonight that would be taxed under Gov. Dayton's budget plan. Dayton announced earlier this week that he wanted to expand the sales tax to clothing items above $100 and business and consumer services, but did not give much in the way of specifics. Dayton's proposal also drops the overall sales tax rate by 20 percent.

Since Tuesday, Dayton has been forced to defend his plan to various groups including the Minnesota Newspaper Association (Read the story here).

Dayton's administration released a list of items that would remain exempt from the sales tax, items that would see a reduced tax rate and the list of goods and services that would now be taxed under this plan.

Here's the list of goods and services that would now be taxed under his plan:

Dayton Sales Tax Expansion Docs by tom_scheck