Minn. hospital restricting sick visitors

Fairview Lakes Hospital in Wyoming, Minn. is restricting some visitors due to a surge in flu cases at the hospital.

Visitors who have infectious symptoms won't be allowed into the hospital's maternity ward. They will be allowed to visit other units if they wear a mask.

"Anybody with infectious symptoms; cough, runny nose, that kind of thing, will not be allowed access to [the maternity ward]," said hospital spokesman Ryan Davenport.

He said Fairview's five other hospitals are evaluating whether they need to take similar precautions.

"We have assembled a system-wide flu surge team to monitor demand for care related to flu," Davenport said. "If circumstances warrant, then I think the team will look at implementing similar restrictions at those other facilities."

Davenport said signs will be posted at all of Fairview Lakes entrances informing visitors of the new policy. He said greeting staff will ask visitors whether they're experiencing infectious symptoms.