On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Crowd-sourced loans, aid fraud and the Millennial brain

Millennial Brain Responds Differently to Digital Media These younger brains have the ability to switch tasks and integrate information much more quickly than earlier generations. (ClickZ)

3 Law School Trends to Watch for in 2013 The new year could bring shifts within law schools and the legal industry. (U.S. News & World Report)

Student-aid fraud not limited to Alabama State Investigators would not say whether they were investigating the fraud at other universities, but confirmed they were investigating "theft from student funds at Alabama State University." (AL.com via Education Dive)

The Crowdsourced B-School Loan Business-school alumni networks have long been useful for finding jobs and securing startup funding. Now, students and graduates are tapping them to help pay for school. (The Wall Street Journal via NAICU)

Relief for Student Borrowers The Obama administration's Pay As You Earn Repayment Plan for federal student loans, which allows recent student borrowers to arrange affordable payments and qualify for loan forgiveness, went into effect late last month. It needs to be broadly advertised if it is to reach the people who need it most. (The New York Times via NAICU)