Health dept. investigates norovirus outbreak at wedding

State health officials are investigating a possible norovirus outbreak at a wedding in the southern Minnesota town of LeRoy.

About 400 people attended the wedding the weekend of Dec. 1.

Health officials are interviewing guests to determine how the outbreak may have started, said Department of Health spokesman Doug Schultz. He said it is unclear exactly how many guests have gotten sick.

"We're trying to interview a significant portion of those people who were at the event and determine if they were ill," Schultz said. "We also, of course, try to find people who were not ill and we try to compare those to groups and determine what might have been the source for the illness."

Norovirus is a gastrointestinal illness that comes from contact with feces. It spreads primarily through food, or not thoroughly washing hands.

Symptoms include stomach cramps, vomiting and diarrhea. For most people, norovirus resolves itself in a matter of days.

Norovirus tends to peak from November to January, Schultz said.