On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Parental debt, foreign grad students and tuition freezes

First-Time Enrollment of International Graduate Students Up 8 Percent The Council of Graduate Schools has reported an 8 percent increase in the first-time enrollment of international students from 2011 to 2012, matching the 8 percent increase between 2010 and 2011, and representing the third straight year of growth in first-time enrollments. (Council of Graduate School)

Preoccupations: Bridging the Hiring Gap for College Graduates Many C.E.O.’s lament that recent college graduates lack specific, technical skills, but these employers should realize that a broad education has benefits, too.


 (The New York Times)

At One School, Women MBA Grads Out-Earn Men There may be reason to question how useful UT—Austin’s statistics are, however. (U.S. News & World Report)

State colleges look at tuition freeze to recoup funding Breaking decades-old precedents to leverage more tax dollars. (USA Today)

Some Parents, Shouldering Student Loans, Fall on Tough Times Millions of parents who have taken out loans to pay for their children’s college education make up a less visible generation in debt.


 (The New York Times)