City Council honors retiring Chief Dolan

Mayor Rybak thanks
With his wife Lori Beck, left, and Sen. Amy Klobuchar looking on, outgoing Minneapolis Police Chief Tim Dolan is thanked by Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak during a going away reception for Dolan at City Hall in Minneapolis. Monday, Oct. 29, 2012. Dolan is retiring after 30 years with the Minneapolis Police. His last day is Friday, Nov. 2, 2012.
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson

The Minneapolis City Council Friday morning passed a resolution honoring Police Chief Tim Dolan for his years of service.

Dolan, whose last day is Friday, is retiring after 30 years on the police force. Council members and Mayor R.T. Rybak took turns congratulating Dolan, who appeared in the council chambers.

Rybak appointed Dolan as chief in 2006. He said Dolan was a good chief partly because he was raised in the city and cares about what happens here.

"I think when people look at this period of time in history they're going to say this kid who grew up on the northside took over the police department at one of the most challenging periods of crime in the city and you made us dramatically safer," Rybak said.

Violent crime in the city has steadily dropped under Dolan. However, this year the number of reported violent crimes such as homicide, robbery and assault has increased over the same time in 2011.