Daily Circuit Blog

How can we stop young people from texting and driving?

Tomorrow at 9:06, we're going to talk about distracted driving, especially among teenagers. Driving accidents are the leading cause of death for teens and drivers under 20 have the highest proportion of accidents involving distracted driving.

If you are a parent of a teen driver, do you think your child is texting and driving? Do you talk about distracted driving at home?

If you are a young driver who texts, why do you do it if you know it is unsafe?

While texting and driving is illegal, most of us are probably guilty of drinking coffee, changing the radio station or making a call while driving. See if you are good enough at multi-tasking to juggle those activities while on the road. Try this game from the New York Times or this one from the University of Minnesota.

Here's a sad tale about distracted driving:

--Stephanie Curtis, social media host