How do you make the case to undecideds?

A recent poll shows the voter ID amendment is a toss-up. Undecided voters could tip the scales. But what do they need to hear to make up their minds?

"I need to understand why we would need to provide PHOTO id to vote now and how would this impact people who are not able to get out easily and to pay for Photo ID," writes Susan Greer of Minneapolis, one of more than 200 Minnesotans in the Minnesota Public Radio News Public Insight Network who shared their thoughts on the voter ID amendment.

"If this in any way impacts seniors who have transportation issues then I would vote NO. I do not want to see this impact a portion of the population who does not have this photo ID."

Up for discussion: If you're decided on the Voter ID amendment, how would you make your case to an undecided voter? What's the best argument you've got?

Bonus: Below are responses from our network. It's not scientific and it's top heavy with people indicating they'll vote no. Still, it offers an interesting cross section of views from across Minnesota.

For complete coverage of the voter ID issue, visit our Campaign 2012 page.