Bachmann questions Obama on Benghazi

Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann has questioned whether the Obama administration was forthcoming enough about what it knew following the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed U.S. Ambassador Chris Stephens.

After a re-election campaign event Monday night in St. Cloud, Bachmann said she had problems with the statements that came out of the administration following the attack.

The administration's having to back-track. And it appears like it's a cover up what has been going on in Libya and Cairo and across the world," Bachmann said. "So this is something we're going to see hearings on Wednesday in the Oversight Committee to try and get some answers from the administration that was continuing to try and push this fiction that it was the video that started all of this violence when in fact it wasn't."

"We know without a doubt, because of even emails that have been received by the government, that this was a premeditated attack. This was not spontaneous like the administration wanted us to believe," Bachmann said.

The Obama administration said at the end of September it believed the assault in Libya was a "deliberate and organized terrorist attack."


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