Daily Circuit Blog

What’s on Monday: Do you have faith in big institutions?

During MPR's pledge week, we're playing some of the best Daily Circuit conversations you might have missed:

9:00 Approval ratings for our government are at an all-time low. But did you know that this mistrust has infected all sorts of American institutions? Seven in 10 Americans believe that the country is on the wrong track; eight in 10 are dissatisfied with the way the nation is being governed. Only 23 percent have confidence in banks, and just 19 percent have confidence in big business. Less than half the population expresses "a great deal" of confidence in the public school system or organized religion. Will America recover its trust?

Our guests are Ron Fournier, editor-in-chief at the National Journal Group, and Marc Hetherington, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University.

10:00 Two political opposition researchers explain how they dig up dirt on politicians. Alan Huffman and Michael Rejebian are the co-authors of "We're With Nobody."

11:00 Novelist Thomas Mallon talks about his historical novel "Watergate."

(Cover courtesy of the publisher)