Wolf hunt lottery results out soon

Hunters and trappers who applied to participate in Minnesota's first regulated wolf season will be notified by mail in the next couple of days whether they won the lottery.

More than 23,000 people applied for licenses to hunt or trap wolves in Minnesota this fall and winter. The lottery drawing will identify 6,000 to receive licenses.

A wolf license costs $30 for residents and $250 for non-residents.

The DNR wants hunters and trappers to kill 400 wolves. The agency estimates there are about 3,000 wolves living in the northern part of the state.

Also Thursday, the DNR has denied a petition asking it to stop this year's hunt. That petition was filed by the group Howling for Wolves, which has joined with the Center for Biological Diversity in a separate, court challenge to the hunt.

The two groups want the court to stop the hunt before opening day, Nov. 3.