Bachmann stands by comments about Muslim Brotherhood

Michele Bachmann, Steve Freihammer
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann speaks with Steve Freihammer of St. Cloud, Minn., Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012.
MPR photo/Conrad Wilson

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says the recent anti-American violence in the Middle East proves the past comments she made about the Muslim Brotherhood's influence on the U.S. government are accurate.

She says she is not concerned about her comments' impact on the November election.

"I've been proven right in the tragic events of this last month. The Muslim Brotherhood is not the Lutheran Brotherhood. It is a very different organization," Bachmann said, speaking with MPR News as she campaigned Wednesday in St. Cloud. "It is a violent organization whose stated intention is the destruction of the Jewish State of Israel and the United States of America. I take those threats seriously."

Over the summer, Bachmann faced criticism from both Democrats and members of her own party over claims she made about the Muslim Brotherhood's influence on the federal government. The comments have become a campaign issue with her challenger, DFL-backed businessman Jim Graves.

"We've seen the violent actions that have occurred, not only in Cairo and Libya, but also around the world at various embassies, so I think I've been proven right," Bachmann said.