Minn. Orch. musicians to stage concert

Minnesota Orchestra lockout
Minnesota Orchestra members Megan Tam, second from left, and Eugena Chang chat during a rally in Minneapolis, Minn. Monday, Oct. 1, 2012. Minnesota Orchestra management locked out the musicians after contract negotiations reached a stalemate.
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson

Locked out musicians of the Minnesota Orchestra say they are trying to organize a concert in lieu of the season opener cancelled by management.

Principal cellist and union negotiator Tony Ross said the musicians will pay for the Oct. 19 concert with donations and out of their own pockets. They also hope to honor tickets purchased for the original concert.

There is a possibility for a series of concerts, Ross said, and musicians are considering a number of venues.

"We are also in discussion with former music directors, hoping they will support us and possibly lead us in this and other events," Ross said.

Management locked out the musicians early Monday. Minnesota Orchestra President Michael Henson said he respects the musicians' right to play concerts, but said they still need to negotiate a new contract.

"It doesn't change the fundamental issue that the Minnesota Orchestra is facing at the moment," Henson said "We need our players to accept the financial realities of 2012, and come to the negotiating table in support of a contract that our community can afford.:

In St. Paul. musicians of the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra are playing a free concert at Macalester College Tuesday evening in support of their contract negotiation.