SPCO management: Counter-proposal does not meet savings mark

Dobson West
Dobson West, the Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra's interim president, said in a message posted on the SPCO website, that the musicians' offer overlooks additional costs resulting from their proposal. Ultimately, the latest offer will cost more than the current contract, he said.
Photo courtesy SPCO

Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra management says a contract counter-proposal from the musicians' negotiating committee still does not save enough to meet the orchestra's needs.

The musicians' proposal Tuesday offered pay cuts totaling $700,000 over three years. The offer also used a fund earmarked for musician buyouts to make savings of $1.5 million a year. Musicians say that is how they will meet the savings mark management says it needs to make the SPCO financially stable.

However in a message posted on the SPCO website, interim-President Dobson West said the musicians' offer overlooked additional costs resulting from their proposal. Ultimately, the latest offer will cost more than the current contract, he said. Management has proposed a 15 percent cut in guaranteed salaries and a reduction to the size of the orchestra.

West said he still hopes to find a workable agreement with musicians by the Sept. 30 deadline.