Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Drought Expands: 96.2% of MN now sliding deeper into drought

96.2% of Minnesota now "abnormally dry" or in "drought"

83.5% last week

78.15% of the lower 48 USA states now in drought or abnormally dry

Cold front - Next shot of cooler Canadian air blowing into MN today

Back to the 50s Highs may not climb out of the 50s in the metro Friday & Saturday

70F average high at MSP Friday

69F average high at MSP Saturday!

May 17th - next time MSP average high reaches 70F

Astronomical Fall Begins - Saturday at 9:49am CDT with the Autumnal Equinox

Source: Twin Cities NWS

Cool shot ahead this weekend:

The breezes you feel today are courtesy of the next push of cooler Canadian air streaming into Minnesota.

The last in this week's family of cold fronts sweeps south Friday night. As it does, the atmosphere will be just cold enough to squeeze out a few snow showers from the Iron Range, to Duluth and Rice Lake. While I can't rule out a stray snow flake as far south as the Twin Cities Friday night, it doesn't look like anything to write home about.

Frost again becomes an issue Saturday & Sunday morning, and will nip at the metro suburbs.

Source: NOAA

The first days of "astronomical fall" will feel like it in Minnesota this weekend.

Warmer next week:

The overall weather pattern becomes more favorable for milder breezes again next week.

Westerly winds should begin to warm Minnesota Sunday, and we may see several days of highs at or above 70 in Minnesota next week.

Don't write off fine fall weather just yet!

Drought expands - again:

Today's updated U.S. Drought Monitor continues the trend toward growing drought in Minnesota.

Source: http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/

In fact, the sliver of Lake & Cook Counties that (barely) remains drought free is the only area in the Upper Midwest still staving off drought. 100% of the Dakotas, Iowa and Wisconsin are either listed as "abnormally dry" or in "drought."

Sliver of hope for rain next week?

You know it's getting bad when we start scanning the weather maps for any hopeful sign of rain.

The next, best chance of any "meaningful" rain for Minnesota appears to be next Wednesday or Thursday.

The GFS is hinting at a slow moving low pressure system that could produce some scattered to widespread showers, and may approach 1" in some areas.

Source: NOAA via Iowa State University

Even 1" of rain will not begin to bust this growing drought, but it wouldn't hurt. Trees, lawns and fields are in desperate need of a good soaking.

It's early, and things may change...but at least there's hope for some rain in the forecast.

Colors popping along Highway 61 along the North Shore this week.

Image Credit: Paul Huttner-MPR News

Fall colors popping fast - Updated MN fall color report below

Source: MN DNR