Daily Circuit Blog

U.S. Bank’s response to criticism

Bruce Marks' organization NACA works with many banks across the nation as a bridge between them and homeowners who can't pay their mortgage but said they can't seem to work with U.S. Bank.

Here's what he had to say:

It is the worst. Out of all the banks out there, U.S. Bank is the worst. They are the ones who try to find a way to say 'no.' And the other banks, at least we've gotten them now to look for a reason to say 'yes' or at least be neutral.

We asked U.S. Bank for a response. This is from Tom Joyce, senior vice president of

corporate public relations:

U.S. Bank has always regarded foreclosure as the last resort for both the borrower and the bank. That's why we have worked with thousands of borrowers across the country to modify their mortgages and keep people in their homes.

In addition to our own programs that we offer borrowers, we have participated in all the available government modification programs and have done everything reasonable to keep borrowers in their homes. For example, U.S. Bank has modified more than $16 billion nationwide under the HARP program alone since the program's inception in 2009. Of those, more than 10,000 loans (or more than $2 billion) were for Minnesota homeowners.

It is critical to note that the vast majority of cases involving U.S. Bank and foreclosures involve instances where we are the trustee on a securitized pool of mortgages. In those cases, we are not the servicer of the loan, and have no authority or economic interest when it comes to an individual foreclosure. While the our name may appear in the court documents, however the servicer decides whether or not to foreclose.

--Stephanie Curtis, social media host