The Cities Blog

Central Corridor 75% finished by the end of the year

That's the prediction from the light rail construction moguls.

Here are a couple of snappy photos I took today.

The one above looks up Cedar St. from downtown St. Paul north toward the Capitol.

Heck, since the rails are already in on the block in the foreground why not put in a short cable car service? Or Boy Scouts pushing/pulling them?

On my way up Cedar I encountered the fast-rising 10th street station, one of 18 on the Central Corridor light rail line connecting downtown St. Paul with downtown Minneapolis.

The light rail bosses are standing by their prediction; trains running by late 2014.

And, of course, courtesy of the magnificent Minnesota Historical Society digitized collection of images I can't resist tacking on this one.


It's a 1948 St. Paul Dispatch Pioneer Press photo of a west-bound streetcar, yes, on University Ave., back in the day before the system was shut down in 1954.