Report: More children on food stamps

More than 500,000 Minnesotans are on food stamps, almost double 2006 numbers, according to an annual report from the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Children represented the fastest growing group in the report.

The report provides a snapshot of the economic and demographic characteristics of Minnesotans on food stamps, officially called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. The report is based on the food stamp rolls as of last December.

More than 30 percent of food stamp recipients reported having work income. Sixty percent of recipients were white, 25 percent black. Women on food stamps still outnumber men. However, the number of men has risen since the start of the recession to 43 percent of food stamp recipients. About a third of adults on the program were disabled. Fifteen percent were seniors.

The state says the poor economy is the underlying reason for the caseload increases, but eligibility changes also contributed.