The Cities Blog

Rybak quick to credit Obama for federal money

Mayor R.T. Rybak rarely misses an opportunity to remind Minneapolitans that the Obama administration has sent money their way.

Rybak, whose national profile will get a boost when he addresses the Democratic National Convention tonight, sent out an email this morning touting his his 2013 budget proposal and noting that Minneapolis is "getting help in hiring firefighters from a $1 million Obama Administration grant."

Rybak speaks at an Obama campaign rally during the 2008 presidential race. (MPR File Photo/Steve Mullis)

In another official e-mail last week, Rybak pointed out that the city was able to rebuild a north Minneapolis bridge "thanks to stimulus dollars from the Obama Administration."

Rybak's budget speech earlier in the month also credited the stimulus with kick starting a city-run job training program, and the mayor made sure to name-check Obama at the same time.

He also gave the president several shout-outs in his State of the City speech this April. It contains three references to the president.

Rybak serves as one of the Democratic National Committee's five vice chairs, and he's one of Obama's earliest supporters. So it makes sense that when federal funds find their way to Minneapolis, Rybak makes sure to thank the president by name.