Second case of swine flu confirmed in Minn.

Minnesota Department of Health officials are reporting a second confirmed case of swine flu in Minnesota.

Assistant state epidemiologist Richard Danila said the latest infection was traced back to the same live animal market where a child contracted the virus earlier this month. Danila said the child's sibling is a likely case.

Last week, a man in his late twenties who visited the same Dakota County market contracted the virus and is recovering. He did not require hospitalization. Danila said there's no indication the man touched any live pigs. He said it's more likely the man touched something else that came into contact with an infected pig.

"Probably a pig or coughed or sneezed or, you know, slobbered on the railing basically and then the person acquired it by handling that and touching their eyes or nose or face," Danila said.

Danila said people visiting live animal markets and the pig barn at the State Fair should avoid touching the animals and refrain from eating or drinking anything while in the area.

He said people at greater risk, including pregnant women and people with certain medical conditions, should avoid the areas. So far this year, the Centers for Disease Control have received 277 reports of swine flu nationwide.