Super PAC expands targets to Bachmann

A left-leaning political action group has added Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann to its list of targets.

San Francisco-based CREDO SuperPAC said Thursday that Bachmann will join a list of tea party-friendly Republicans the group hopes to help defeat in November. GOP Rep. Chip Cravaack of northeastern Minnesota is also a target.

The group is spending relatively small amounts of money as it tries to organize opposition on the ground.

CREDO has reported spending less than $5,000 in independent expenditures in Cravaack's race, where the incumbent faces a challenge from former Democratic Congressman Rick Nolan. The group has also spent more than $130,000 on overhead including an office and staff.

Bachmann is seeking a fourth term in the conservative 6th District in the northern Twin Cities and St. Cloud area, where Democratic businessman Jim Graves is challenging her.