Evangelist Billy Graham in hospital

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP) -- A spokesman for Billy Graham says the 93-year-old evangelist has been admitted to a North Carolina hospital for an infection in his lungs.

A joint statement Sunday from Graham's spokesman and Mission Hospital says Graham was admitted overnight for evaluation and treatment of an infection thought to be bronchitis. The hospital is in Asheville, near his home in Montreat.

Pulmonologist David Pucci says Graham is resting comfortably and his condition is stable. He is receiving antibiotics.

Graham spokesman Larry Ross says the evangelist was able to watch a television feed of his grandson, Will Graham, preaching on Sunday morning.

Graham was hospitalized for pneumonia last November. His staff says the evangelist's health has been good since his release, though he remains at home due to age-related conditions. He is working on a manuscript for an upcoming book.