Closings on Greenway for resurfacing

Parts of the Midtown Greenway in Minneapolis will be closed starting Monday as crews resurface the bike path.

Closings will start on the west end of the Greenway and move east. Minneapolis bike and pedestrian planner Simon Blenski says workers will patch cracks and reseal pavement in the bike trail.

"We're asking that bicyclists, pedestrians and other trail users don't cross the closures and don't cross on to the areas that crews are working," Blenski says. "All that will be marked out, but we're just asking people to follow the rules even though it may be tempting to follow sneak around barriers or climb fences."

The Greenway will be reopened on weekends during the construction. It's the first major resurfacing project since the trail opened 12 years ago.

The city is setting up detours for cyclists.

"There will be detour signs that actually say 'bike detour Midtown Greenway' on them," Blenski says. "There will be dozens of these signs along all the detour routes. Hopefully, that will bring some awareness to both bicyclists, who can use it as a way finding element, but also to motorists, hopefully they'll expect more bicycle traffic along some of these streets."