Slogging through the bogs

Mike Bourdaghs
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency scientist Mike Bourdaghs is surrounded by cattails while assessing the condition of a wetland in rural Otter Tail County. Many of the cattails in this wetland are an invasive species not native to Minnesota.
MPR photo/Dan Gunderson

Mother Nature is keeping our attention: We report on a new, large-scale initiative to assess the health of Minnesota's wetlands, as well as Farmfest concerns about the drought's impact on the corn crop. We also take note of how women war veterans are changing the look of VFW posts, and tell the story of a Vietnam War photographer.

Slogging through the bogs
About 10 million acres of wetlands are scattered across the Land of 10,000 Lakes, yet there's never been a large-scale, objective effort to check on the health of these key parts in the stat's ecosystem. That's changing, as Dan Gunderson reports.

Geography is destiny
Sometimes is seems like the annual Farmfest in Redwood Falls is more famous for its political debates than its ag trade show offerings. But this year, as Mark Steil reports, the drought and its impact on the corn crop are also on farmers' minds.

Parry faces a rowdy crowd
When GOP state Sen. Mike Parry, a candidate for Congress, convened a legislative committee yesterday to cast a harsh eye on proposed pay and benefits increases for public employees, DFLers and union members suspected he was grandstanding for the sake of his campaign. Tom Scheck reports on the result here.

Another gender barrier falls
The Packers helped usher in some NFL history yesterday in a preseason game against the Chargers as Shannon Eastin, hair tucked under her cap and exuding confidence, became the first woman to officiate in a pro football game.

The torch is passed
Also in the spirit of breaking barriers, Rupa Sheney reports on how VFW posts around the state are welcoming and adjusting to the presence of new women members who are doing more than talking about battlefield exploits - they helping grow the organizations.

Big Brother returns
Is it OK with you that law enforcement agencies around the country -- and here in Minnesota - are turning more and more frequently to a device that allows car license plates to be scanned in real time? Former Olmsted County Attorney Ray Schmitz joined the Daily Circuit to talk about the development.

Also on the site: You should meet Gary Bipes
A young man asked Bob Collins a couple of weeks ago if he'd be interested in interviewing his grandfather, and he handed over a piece of paper with a one-paragraph biography: "Gary Bipes, born July 28th, 1942, was a Vietnam combat photographer from 1966 to 1967..." The result is this interview.

Swine flu fears
Just in time for the State Fair, swine flu fears have emerged again. Looking at CDC figures, Jon Collins reports that there have been 158 reports of swine flu nationwide this week , although there have been no cases in Minnesota - yet.

A weekend in Little Falls
Little Falls has been around since 1848, making it one of the oldest towns in the state. In part of a new series, we pay a visit to its fishing museum, Charles Lindbergh's summer home and the rambling old Mississippi River itself.

Simone Augustus, strong arm artist
Not only is Simone Augustus of the Minnesota Lynx posting great numbers as she and Team USA advance in the basketball tournament at the 2012 Olympic Games in London, but she's attracting a lot of attention with the awesome tattoos adorning her arms. Check out this frame for an eyeful in our Photos of the Week.