Daily Circuit Blog

Some additional wildlife questions, answered

There were still a few pending questions waiting to be asked when our show on wildlife rehabilitation ended Friday, so I asked our guest Phil Jenni, executive director of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Center of Minnesota in Roseville, to email us a few more answers.

Here they are:

1. James {Sauk Centre, MN}: A Robin that laid 4 eggs 4 weeks ago on my electrical meter. None of them hatched and the mother has abandoned the nest. Should I remove the nest?

Phil Jenni: Yes, the nest can be moved if James wishes, wouldn't hurt to leave it there either.

2. Anne {Lakeville, MN}: I saw an animal that looked like it was part kangaroo, part rabbit a few years ago. Any ideas on what it might be?

Phil Jenni: Anne's rabbit was probably a rabbit with a virus called Shopes Papilomavirus. It causes strange growths usually on the head or face; when large they appear to be extra ears etc. It's also possible that it was a Snowshoe Hare. They have larger hind legs and will sit up more like a kangaroo.

3. Marilyn {was driving on I-90 at the time}: Does the trumpeter swan lose its ability to vocalize?

Phil Jenni: Trumpeter Swans have a large, distinctive voice (hence the name Trumpeter) which they normally don't lose except if diseased, or less likely, injured. We admit swans with lead poisoning and they will have a weaker and/or croakier voice.

Fortunately, the Internet comes to the rescue if you've never heard the swan's call:

--Tom Weber