The Cities Blog

Minneapolitan to lead League of Minn. Cities

For the first time since the 1960's the president of the League of Minnesota Cities comes from the state's most populous city. Minneapolis City Council Member Betsy Hodges was elected today at the league's annual conference, underway in Duluth.


With more than 380,000 residents, Minneapolis is by far the state's most populous city. But as president, Hodges will work on behalf of the more than 800 municipalities that participate in the league.

"All our cities have to make sure our roads are paved, that our water comes out of the tap, that public safety is accounted for," Hodges said. "We have a lot more in common than we have different."

Hodges' election hardly a surprise. She served as first vice president of the organization last year -- a customary stepping stone to the presidency. Her term will last one year.

The last Minneapolis resident to lead the league was Mayor Art Naftalin. He served from 1967-68.