Daily Circuit Blog

The value of our listeners

Listener input, both on and off the air, is a critical component of our show and always has been. We consistently get great questions and comments from listeners during the show, and whenever I speak with potential guests I use our engaged audience as a selling point. But on some topics, listener input adds an indispensable layer to the show.

Today, during our conversation about the suicide rate among veterans, we took a call from David from Minneapolis, a 32-year-old veteran of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan who said he has been on the verge of suicide in the past:

David's personal story was incredibly moving and ultimately hopeful, and it reminded me of the power of this medium to connect people and enable them to tell their stories. It was just one of several compelling calls we took from veterans and family members of veterans who have been dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts.

--Chris Dall, senior producer